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School Uniform

After parental consultation, Governors have made the wearing of uniform compulsory.

Please clearly mark all clothing with your child’s name. 

If you wish to order sweatshirts or cardigans with the school logo, please order online from Logo Leisurewear Ltd using the link: Logo Leisurewear.  Alternatively, uniform can be bought from other suppliers, including second-hand suppliers.


Burgundy sweatshirts, cardigans or fleeces (with or without the logo), white blouses, shirts or polo shirts.

Grey or black trousers, skirts or pinafore dresses (skirts & dresses to be knee-length) – not jogging bottoms or jeans. In summer, coloured check dresses can be worn. Shorts may be worn in the summer, but they need to be smart and grey or black.

Grey, black, white or dark blue tights and socks. Plain leggings can be worn with skirts instead of tights.

Brown, grey or black shoes or trainers – sensible sandals may be worn in summer (sandals in vivid colours need to be avoided – but dark red would be acceptable). Boots of any colour can be worn during bad weather, but children then need to change into shoes or plimsolls when they are in school.

PE Kit

Starting in September 2021, we are asking children to come to school in a PE uniform on their class PE days. Please consult your child's class newsletter to check what days they have PE. 

The PE uniform is: a white, collarless T-shirt, black shorts or black tracksuit bottoms, a black jumper and sports trainers. Children with long hair will need to tie this back. Earrings MUST be removed for PE lessons.

Name Labels 

Please clearly label all your child's clothes including coats, shoes, PE kit, jumpers, water bottles etc with their full name. Lost items are put in the lost property boxes near the Dining Room entrance and anything with a name on it returned to the child's class. Unnamed and unclaimed lost property has to be disposed of every few weeks. 

A company called Stikins sell name labels that can just be stuck on to clothes etc and will stay on even when washed, worn etc. Please give them the Mundella School fundraising number 13953 if you order from them, as the school will then receive commission.